Sunday, November 24, 2013

Where are Lynndie England and Charles Graner now?

Her face is now recognized everywhere as the smiling, thumbs-up-giving soldier in the numerous torture photographs leaked from the Abu Ghraib prison. He is forever known as the ring leader of the detainee abuse scandal, and is still in service for the United States military until the end of 2014. Lynndie England and Charles Graner both received time in military prison for their roles in the Abu Ghraib prison abuse scandal. England was sentenced to three years in military prison (she only served half her sentence), while Graner was sentenced to ten years (he served 6.5 years of his sentence).

England now lives in Fort Ashbury, West Virginia, where she lives in a trailer with her parents raising her son, whose father is Graner. She has been unsuccessful at finding a job due to her felony charge, and is now on antidepressants that the military pays for while she's still under her military contract. She is unable to own a gun or hunt, which was her passion before entering the military, also because of her felony charge.

Graner was released from prison in Kansas in August of 2004, and he is now married to Specialist Megan Ambuhl, another soldier convicted of crimes against the Iraqi prisoners at Abu Ghraib. He received the longest sentence out of all the soldiers convicted due to his heavy involvement and proven leadership in the abuse. He is currently on probation until the end of 2014, when his military contract also expires.

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